Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I’ve decided not to renew my Krav Maga contract for another year.

It’s been two years of heavy metal music, torturous pushup drills, and choking. I’ve loved almost every minute of it.

But I need a break.

I have too much going on at night nowadays to be taking classes at dinnertime. Not to mention that fact that I typically eat a little before these classes, and then when I come home I’m ravenous. So I haven’t lost any weight, despite the intensity of the exercise. In fact, I gained 5 pounds last Thanksgiving and haven’t gotten rid of it.

But I did buy a standing punching bag, kick shield, and punching mitts for use at home. Now I can spend as much time as I want practicing my footwork while kicking and improving the strength and speed of my punches.

I may go back sometime, but probably not for a year.


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