Monday, February 12, 2007

Fashion forward

I felt a strange sensation yesterday as I settled into the car seat on the way to another of Todd's movie shoots.

A cool sensation.

So I stuck my hand under there and, sure enough, found a hole in my jeans.

Of course, it's my favorite pair.

As soon as I told Todd, he started mocking me for my expensive taste in jeans.

"Oh, I buy a pair of $40 jeans that last for years, and yours cost $200 and last for a month!"

So I pointed out that these were the cheap jeans, at $50, and that I'd never paid $200 for a pair. Yet. I buy all the expensive brands on sale. Plus, those expensive jeans are made in the mainland USA. Nobody's being forced to take $3 a day or have an abortion because pregnant women are not allowed to sew.

Maybe those great guys in the Marianas Islands are afraid the babies might jinx the machines.


All afternoon long I was bending over to pick stuff up, set stuff up, and ripping my jeans even more. By the time we went to dinner, I had to hold my purse in a strategic location. The hot pants look just doesn't go over well in February.

But actually, I think they will make a cool pair of shorts for this summer. Which I need.


At 7:51 AM, Blogger ssas said...

Get thee to the Buckle, where they have a million different cool jeans styles at reasonable prices and free alterations!


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