Monday, January 22, 2007

We're in hot water

Last Thursday Brothers Plumbing paid a visit to our house.

Todd and I seem to have an extraordinary capacity to let things go around the house. But we finally got tired of water leaking through the bathtub faucets and the general difficulty of getting hot water in the house.

We had them rebuild the faucets and check the water heater. Apparently the dip tube had completely corroded after more than a decade of use. So they fixed that, and now we can get hot water within a minute or less! I'd been wondering why our household water use had been increasing when I have every low-flow appliance you can think of in this house. I guess it was because you had to run the shower for 5 minutes to get any hot water at all.

Just to be safe, we also had them replace the valve in the shower, which was quite expensive. But that valve was put in when companies were scared of being sued by people getting boiled in the shower, so they were set to be cooler. As the plumber said, "You're not going to get cold showers now."

I think I'll be able to live with it.


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