Thursday, January 13, 2005

71/2 Weeks

My new kitchen has had a gestation period of 7 weeks, so far. That's 7 weeks of cardboard covering the entire first floor, washing dishes in the bathtub, bare lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, and having men coming in and out of the house at all hours.

Well, the last part might not be so bad...

The remodel started over Thanksgiving. Todd and I went to Mexico with his family, while Boulder Drywall came to our house and scraped off the popcorn texture ceiling. I hate that stuff. I was so happy when I came back from Mexico and that stuff was gone. I wasn't so happy about the snowstorm after a week in the tropics, but that's another story.

At one point, my contractor declared in stentorian tones: "Christmas is the worst time of year to remodel!" Well, no shit, Sherlock. For the past 3 weeks people have been working on the house 3 days a week, max, while we're living off frozen dinners. I have actually gotten sick of going out for dinner. I never thought I would say that.

I went to lunch with a friend yesterday and was bemoaning the fact that the new "almond" door my contractor bought doesn't match the existing "almond" windows. She asked me, very gently, "Do you think you might be a little anal about this?" Hey, the door is brown! I said brown! Not almond! But have I mentioned this fact to my contractor? No (hanging my head in passive-aggressive shame).

There's nothing to be done but think about another vacation, since my house isn't fit to live in. Todd and I got our open water dive certification in Mexico, so now we're hoping to do 2 dive trips this year. Airfare to Cancun is really cheap right now, about $100 on Frontier. I'm there!


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