Monday, April 18, 2005

Ridiculous things I want in no particular order

really expensive barware (at least $100 a glass)

a nose job, an eye job, an ear job, and cosmetic dentistry

Liv Tyler's hair

insta-publication of all my poems and stories that I think deserve it

a conversation with my grandmother, who's been dead since 1990, about what it was like to live in a Catholic orphanage after her father killed himself (that's why I was raised Catholic)

a good conversation about religion with my family members (good meaning "not involving proselytizing on either side")

copyeditors having the same status as Muhammed Ali

mandatory recycling of everything that can be recycled with today's technology

emptying of landfills

Joycelyn Elders for president (she was the Clinton appointee who said right-wingers have a "love affair with the fetus") and Patricia Shroeder for VP


At 4:18 PM, Blogger ssas said...

you forgot nutrish-ch-sious - good god how do you spell that?? nutritious. jebus, finally. anyway, you forgot nutritious chocolate.

I'm writing a story where the issue of landfills is addressed.


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