Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Forty-something and bruised

Just when I thought I was magically aging backwards like Rachel in the Hyperion/Endymion series, actually getting/looking younger, I go to the eye doctor and get a prescription for bifocals.

That pisses me off for two reasons.

Three years ago, I had LASIK. Aaaaaaaaaaah, goodbye to four-eyes forever!

It wasn’t perfect, though. They didn’t correct my right eye quite enough, so I was still slightly nearsighted in that eye, and it’s gotten worse. Not bad, mind you, only about half a diopter, or 20/50. I could probably drive with two eyes like that—so what if I turn into one of those drivers who veer onto the exit ramp because they’ve just managed to read the sign! With just one eye that blurry, I can still read tiny type on bottles, but when I’m working on the computer, my eyes can’t sync up. It’s tooooooooooo much of a difference.

My husband got “computer glasses,” and he says they help. But me, the one in this house over forty (violins here)—I get bifocals.

Only now they call them “progressive lenses.”

Yeah, I feel sooooooooooo much better.

And they only cost $213 with insurance! How will I afford my Chanel sunglasses now?


In case you’re wondering, there were too many vowels in my life, so I put them in this post.


I went to Krav Maga to work it off. Actually enjoyed going to a Level 1 class—the workout is harder and simpler, all at once. I don’t have to focus on technique, which takes me longer to get than most other students at my level.

We did 360 defenses against haymaker punches (or is it rainmaker punches, as in a rain of blood?). Anyway, must go ice my arms now.


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