Sunday, March 13, 2005

Prom at age 42

On Friday night I went to my first prom ever, for the Grass Roots Ultimate team.

Now, I don't play team sports, as a rule. I tried playing ultimate frisbee once, right after I met Todd and right after I had quit smoking. It nearly killed me, and I've never attempted to play since. This is considered rather strange in ultimate circles: "What, your girlfriend doesn't play?"

But I went to the prom anyway. It had an eighties theme. I wore the black velvet dress with long sleeves that I bought for my rehearsal dinner, when I thought our wedding was going to be a wintertime wedding. Underneath I wore red-and-white striped tights. I don't know if that was an eighties theme, but at least I got to wear the damn dress after paying $200 for it two years ago. There were lots of guys wearing tails and skinny ties and girls in bridesmaids dresses.

Dancing to eighties music always reminds me of college anyway. I felt like I was back at the Pub at Georgetown again, only with less beer getting thrown on everyone.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger ssas said...

Heh, I wore a bridesmaid dress to my prom. Its dorkiness was only eclipsed by that of my date and his awful tux - too big a bow-tie and RUFFLES!

I think I at least got laid that night, so it wasn't an entire waste.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger The Neurotic Monkey said...

Yeah, I didn't so much go to Prom as not go at all. Although i look forward to the day when I drunkenly crash one and violently force the DJ to play "Informer" by Snow.

Anywhoski, I answered yer question on me blog. Hope all is well.



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