Monday, March 07, 2005

Sex questions

Sex and I and some other bloggers are playing Question Tag. So she asked me these questions:

1. Which blogger do you most think you could be friends with?

Well, you, of course. And my best friend...but beyond that?

This guy is pretty interesting. And I've always liked reading Baghdad Burning, though for all I know she (he? them?) lives in Brooklyn. But I'm still searching for a blogger who loves chocolate and birding in equal measure. Now that would be a great, fattening friendship... We'd have to take up power birding to burn off the calories. Stop, look at a bird, identify it, do 20 pushups, and REPEAT.

2. What do you like most about other writers? What do you like least?

There are days when I secretly rejoice in their failures. Sometimes I read something by a famous person and think, "I could write like that. There's some hope." But most of all I like it when they do something and I think, "Damn, how did they do that? That is so COOL." And I just want to buy them the most expensive bottle of tequila or vodka I can find and pick their brain.

I can always dig a good sex scene, though I get more turned on by writing them than by reading them. There was this one sex scene, though, that stands out as the most ridiculous and still sexy one I've ever read. It was in a series by Elizabeth Hayden, and the sex was between a woman (who was a namer, by the way) who'd walked through the fire at the center of the earth and a man who was part dragon. First she gave him back part of his soul that someone had stolen, and then they did it in a bathtub. Oh, for god's sake, but I just couldn't stop reading it. When do I get to meet a dragon? Huh? When?

If I ever meet a writer with fabulous curly red hair, I'll have to kill her.

3. What's the most difficult part of not having kids?

Wondering why.

4. Ever communicated telepathically/dream-state with someone?

The only possibility is a dream I had 8 years after my mother's death, in which we were talking by a fountain, and she seemed to be addressing issues I was thinking about at the time. In general, I don't remember dreams, and what I do remember always seems to be a search dream.

I'd love to communicate telepathically. I once tried to bring on the Holy Spirit when I was in high school, and another time I tried to open the Third Eye. That's why I'm so wise now, of course.

5. Define success.

It always has to do with communication. Of some sort. When I was working for a small press in Boulder, I helped this guy get published. He was the only writer I ever plucked out of the slush pile. He even told me that I'd changed his life. But when I told my boss that I was happy about helping someone get published, he had to tell me how bad he thought this writer was. Obviously he thought I needed to be taken down a peg.

Another success I go back to is the comment I got on a submission to the Colorado Council on the Arts: "tremendous, exploratory technique and style." That is the best comment I've ever gotten, and there have been months I've lived off it.

I know I've written some good stuff and that I'll write more. But what I really want is to get noticed, preferably at a national or international level. That would be way better than being a millionaire (but I'll settle, really, I will).

Those are my answers. If you me to ask you questions, let me know.


At 3:44 PM, Blogger ssas said...

wow good answers.

man, that whole writer thing - bosses are such assholes. why oh why? give 'em a bit of an opportunity to slam your hopes and aspirations to the ground and they take it, every time.

"though I get more turned on by writing them than by reading them." no shit. I thought I was the only one!

At 6:45 PM, Blogger The Neurotic Monkey said...

Hey, Inland Dreaming!

Here's some questions fer you:

--You must choose one super power: Flight, Super Strength, or Invisibility. You are the only person in the world that has a superpower. Which would you choose, why, and what would you do with this power?

-- You send a message into outer space that YOU KNOW FOR CERTAIN will be received by alien life. BUT, you can only use 7 words. What is your message?

-- What's the craziest place you've ever had sex? Where's the craziest place you want to have sex?

--Along the same lines, when have you been most inappropriately turned on? For example, a funeral, PTA meeting, etc.

-- Describe your perfect sidekick.
Not really a question, is it? Okay. What or who would be your perfect sidekick?

-- You can either spend one hot, passionate night with your ideal lover, the person that completes you totally OR you spend a lifetime with a really good friend/spouse, but someone who you will never love with the total abandon that you feel for that one particular lover. Which do you choose?

-- What's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself as a child?

-- Would you ever want a clone of yourself?

-- What's the one sentence you'd say to God if you had the chance?

--Tomorrow, a respectable news outlet will proclaim you a genius. They will say you excel and revolutionize in whatever field you desire. This proclamation is heard and believed by most people, especially people in the know. What does this to for your future? Does such a proclamation make you insecure about not filling the hype? Do you strive to prove them right? Do you do whatever you want and dismiss any problems by saying "I'm a genius"? Or do you go about your business and not let it affect you at all?



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