Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Predators in suburbia

Just as I'd settled down to finish G in Germany and the Americas (that's right, it's an alphabetical encyclopedia), a great horned owl flew by my window and settled in the neighbor's tree. Immediately a robin trilled a warning, and blue jays started mobbing it. I think one of them actually nipped it in the ear. So it flew to another tree, but still the blue jays wouldn't leave it alone.

I wonder if the mice notice all the racket.

I like being reminded of a little wildness in suburbia. I also wonder if the owls nest near here. I see them regularly enough that I assume they must have a nest somewhere.

There's something about raptors that brings out my ambiguity toward power. I really enjoyed watching a kestrel eat a starling once, but I love it when the small birds drive away hawks and eagles and owls.


At 4:02 PM, Blogger ssas said...

what a great title by the way. sounds like a mystery/chick lit book to me. Don't know why I say that, but it does.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Price of Silence said...

But would the predators be male or female? Or alien?


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