Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Another Cheap Publicity Stunt

More foolishness from the Reverend James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs.

Following in the footsteps of Jerry Falwell, who said Tinky-Winky of Teletubbies was gay, Dobson has declared that Spongebob Squarepants is gay because he holds hands with a male friend and watches a show called The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

Excuse me, but how is that different from Batman and Robin flying around in tights? And if holding hands with another boy is wrong, does that mean little boys can't hold their brothers' hands when they cross the street? They should just shoulder on ahead and get hit by cars?

I wish Dobson and his ilk would spend a little less time judging others (you know, "judge not, that ye not be judged") and more time actually focusing on humility and compassion, which are at the heart of the Christian message. I wish they'd try doing some Christian things like helping the poor without letting the right hand (the press) know what the left hand (Dobson, Falwell) is doing. I wish they'd pay attention to the board in their own eyes and not the speck in Spongebob's pants. I wish...

We will now take a break for Bible study. "Lapsed Catholic" has run through her entire repertoire of Bible verses and is experiencing brain fatigue.


I've been copyediting part of an encyclopedia on witchcraft. Today I read about Male Witches, the Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer), and so on. As I said to my editor, it's a little weird to be reading about demonology for my job.

But when I heard about Dobson's latest comment, I couldn't help but think that gays are the witches of the twenty-first century.


At 12:45 AM, Blogger Greg said...



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