Thursday, February 02, 2006

Don't apologize

I read an article today that really pissed me off.

Apparently some Danish newspaper, and then some French newspaper, published a cartoon that showed Muhammad, the Prophet, with a missile instead of a turban on his head. See the cartoon here. If that link doesn't work, go to Yahoo News and look for "Protests over Muhammad Cartoons Escalate."

Muslims (at least, some Muslims) are up in arms because Islam forbids making images of the Prophet (that's idolatry) and because the cartoon is disrespectful to Islam.

On the first count, the people who drew the cartoon aren't Muslims, so they aren't bound by the prohibition against images. And on the second point--well, the response to the cartoon proved the cartoon's point.

In Palestine, militants went around saying that if there was no apology for the cartoon, they would begin shooting Europeans.

Remember former Senator Jesse Helms getting so pissed off at the National Endowment for the Arts? "Pissed" is apropos because he was incensed by a work of art the NEA had funded called "Piss Christ." I never actually saw the offending artwork, but it was supposed to depict a crucifix in urine. According to the secondhand information I read, the artist was protesting the commercialization of Christianity.


You bet.

Making a political point?

Also true.

Helms tried to shut down the NEA. That was ridiculous enough. If he wanted to shoot somebody, he didn't say so, as far as I know.

I'd say it's time Muslims made like Jesus in the temple and cast out the Pharisees from their midst. If they really want Islam to be the religion of peace it's supposed to be, they need to get rid of the militants. They need to make it clear to these people that their reactions are uncivilized.

And lest I seem holier than thou, there are days when I read about so-called Christians in this country and feel the same about them.

Don't apologize, Europeans. You have a right to point out that some Muslims have turned religion into an excuse for violence.


At 3:02 AM, Blogger person said...

They shouldn't have published pictures like that.

In Islam we're not even allowed to draw pictures of the Prophet peace be upon him.

We dont draw pictures of Jesus or Moses, we respect all the prophets.

We love our prophet peace be upon him.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger ssas said...

I'm excited because I think all this hoo-ha will sell my story.

If there's anything to be learned from extremists, no matter the religion, it's that people are people are people.

here's a fun comment game we play on Jack's site. Maybe it will draw in the talkers. You take your verification word and tell us what it means.

For instance, mine is wtfowcquv:

'What the fuck! Got to get that cartoon injury looked at."


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