Monday, January 30, 2006

Random activities

It's been a weird month.

Todd had knee surgery on January 9, and for a while there he had to wrap his knee in cling-wrap when he took a shower.

That's kind of a private joke because Todd once found this website that was all about Roy Orbison (the guy who sang "Pretty Woman") in clingwrap. So there my husband is in clingwrap, hopping out of the shower while I really hope his good foot doesn't give way, and he's all wet and "Yes" is written in black letters across his thigh.

Sounds like a recipe for a good time, doesn't it?

By the time he's gone through all that, all he wants to do is go back to sleep. But at least I get to take off the clingwrap.

Also, this month, I got to read a gay romance novel. Copyedit it, that is. It was a good read--the characters were great--but all that happened was that the guy learned to like himself more. Oh, and he went to Brazil to study monkeys. I wanted him to change his life a little more, I guess.

And every Friday, I'm taking an Intro to Fight class. Last time, we actually got to punch each other a little. But since my partner and I couldn't manage to keep our mouth guards in without gagging, we weren't comfortable with doing any real punching.

Damn. Got to give and get a couple of good punches sometime.


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