Sunday, November 19, 2006

All's right with the world

Rufus has just haired me up and jumped off my lap so he can lick himself.

I meant to blog about the election, but now it's almost 2 weeks later. Here's my summary: Goodbye Pombo! (the guy who wanted to gut the Endangered Species Act). Goodbye Santorum! (the senator who was, in short, something of a freak. But at least he does like Lord of the Rings...) And Senator Inhofe won't be chair of a committee anymore. He has been described as the stupidest member of Congress.

Hello, John Hall! (He wrote "Still the One," which was recorded by the Orleans and is one of my favorite songs.)

And, to keep it local, Hello Dianne Primavera! She's my state rep. Now if we could only get rid of Shawn Mitchell, my state senator...but that will have to wait another 2 years.

I'm performing my semi-regular ritual of getting rid of all the little yellow stickies that have accumulated on my desk. They've been consolidated into one. That's what I consider getting organized.

Of course, it would all be a lot easier if I hadn't had that martini. At least I convinced Todd to cut the recipe down from 8 shots to 4. Otherwise, I would have been toast.

Some friends of ours went out Friday night to celebrate one of their birthdays. We joined them for a while and then left to see a movie. It was probably best for all concerned, because my husband and I can't hold our liquor, and we can't hear anything anyone says at bars anyway. But unlike at concerts, we're expected to converse. It's not that we're antisocial...we like our friends; we like parties; we like music. But put them all together at a bar... Somehow I keep thinking that if I try hard enough, I will be entertaining at a bar. This has been going on since I was a teenager, you understand.

What would King Missile say?


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