Monday, March 14, 2005

Hey baby, wanna date?

My eyes have been twitching for a good week now. First it was just the left one, but now both have kicked in. It always makes me feel like a freak. I have to look in the mirror, but usually I can't see anything. It just feels like my entire face is vibrating to some demonic rhythm.

I can hear the music beckoning from our bedroom as I write. We used to have a TV in there but replaced it with one of those things that can play tunes from the computer (I can't think of the name now, so sue me. Todd's the techno geek in the family).

Poor Todd. He wants desperately to get to sleep, but he can't without me, and I've decided to try to devote a little more time to blogging. If I don't blog at least every other day, then I feel uninspired. Either I do it all the time or I don't do it at all! (By the way, this is not a good concept to apply to sex. I wouldn't say "take what you can get, either"--that's depressing--but ultimatums tend to brings things down, ya know?)

I tried to persuade Todd earlier to help me train for my Krav Maga test a week from Friday by putting me in a headlock. It's not as bad for me as it sounds, because the defense is to hit him in the nuts and then grab his face and push it back until he buckles at the knees. All in all, a little elbow around the neck is nothing.

Today I was training with a newbie, but she was doing OK. Then John got in on the act, and when I went to smack him in the groin, I must have left my hand there too long, because he pinned it between his legs and shouted, "What, you want a date?"

I have three brothers, but I don't ever remember wrestling with them that way. Maybe we did when I was much younger. Anyway, this kind of messing around with guys always gets to me, makes me feel nostalgic for something I never had.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger ssas said...

I hate that twitching crap. Too much time on the computer, probly.
Oh well, no one can see it. I've asked PHF about it and he can't.


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