Friday, May 13, 2005

Minor notes

My weekend started yesterday, thank god. I have gotten so burned out by copyediting I needed a break, so I'm taking as long a weekend as I need to get caught up on things, especially sending out stories. Got to get this book published sometime soon!

It's a beautiful almost-summer night, and later I'm going to a fundraiser for Eco-Cycle, the Green Tie Gala. After that I'm going to watch movies with some friends in Boulder who always throw great parties. This one is last-minute, but that's fine with me. One of the virtues of not having children, I guess.

And then tomorrow it's birding, birding, birding! My in-laws and I will go to the Big Sit at Walden Ponds and see how many bird species we see (and eat donuts, etc.).


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