Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wrestling with faith

Here's a an article I came across this morning by David Brooks. It pretty much expresses my views about the culture wars.

Stuck in Lincoln's Land

I just can't cope with people like Robertson (activists judges will cause more damage than 9/11), Falwell (Tinky-Winky), and Dobson (Sen. Patrick Leahy is a "God's people hater"; SpongeBob is gay). I think they're freaks. But I've known lots of truly religious people over the years, and by and large I think they're good for the world.


At 9:40 PM, Blogger ssas said...

ok, finally read this. interesting. lots of big words and I'm on my fourth beer, but interesting nonetheless.

I'd find religion in politics easier to swallow if it wasn't just Christianity.


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