Saturday, October 29, 2005

Deep inside early morning Denver

OK, so I don't LIKE to be up at 4:54, but I woke up at 3:30 and thought I would bless you with my wisdom since I can't fucking sleep.

Years ago Todd decided he wanted a firm bed. I went along with his idea, because who can turn down something that's so good for you? The problem is, everytime I do anything in a workout that strains my shoulder, I wake up at some ungodly hour with one or both hands tingling and my neck sore.

And then I have some cereal and go online. What else can a sleepless girl do?

Usually the repetitive motion injury I got in the 1990s doesn't bother me anymore. But in Krav Maga last night we were doing kick defenses (I wrote "dick defenses" the first time), which are amazingly graceful when done right. You can reach out and push the leg away, with hand or foot, depending on the height of the kick, and blade your body at the same time. It's like an aerobics workout ('twist and bend and twist and bend').

At one point we were punching down and across our bodies to defend from a low front kick, and every time my hand met my partner's shin pad, I got another scratch from the damn velcro.

Normally I'm proud of the bruises I get in this class, but scratches I don't like. They'll leave another scar on my arms.

Now I think I'll go sleep in the soft bed in the guest bedroom. My mother-in-law insisted on padding. Now SHE has some sense.

And then I'll get up at 6 and go look at loons (the avian kind).


At 3:24 PM, Blogger ssas said...

I didn't know you had the same damn thing I do-- numb hands and and a hurt shoulder. Lifting is the only thing that keeps it at bay, and by at bay, I mean not so tingly that it wakes me up ten times a night, but only a couple.

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Price of Silence said...

Well, it's not quite the same thing, but same type of thing. Oh well, at least I got lots of good massages about it.


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