Friday, February 11, 2005

So I don't really have a subject for this post; it's the weekend already!

I've been slacking on blogging. I've got a deadline coming up next week on a freelance job, and I'm trying not to let it slip, as I have so many these last few months.

But I've been wondering: where do the early morning hornies come from? Are people morning persons or night persons for sex, the way they are for sleep and going out?

Or do most people really prefer it in the afternoon?

I watched another episode of Lost last night. I love that show, and since Six Feet Under doesn't have episodes right now, it's about all I've got. It's especially fun to watch Dominic Monaghan (Merry in LOTR) play a drug-addled rock star. He hasn't done much makeup for this character--he looks pretty much the same as he does in photographs, but he is charmingly obsessive.

Early on, though, I missed a few key episodes, and now there are certain things that I don't know. Why was Kate in the custody of a federal marshall? And where did Ethan come from? I missed the episode where Claire disappeared but saw the one when she returned, so that sequence is a bit mystifying to me.


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