Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Ugly Bags of Mostly Water

Rufus is on my lap, purring. He seems undisturbed by the smell of small black kitty that I was petting earlier this evening, so I guess he isn't concerned about my cat infidelities.

I just got back from a showing of Earthlings: Ugly Bags of Mostly Water, a documentary about the Klingon Language Institute. It was frackin hilarious (there you go, Todd!). My screenwriting teacher Alexandre Philippe was the director. He's done two films, this one and Chick Flick, which was about Mike the Headless Chicken, who lived on after being decapitated. It's always been interesting to me that someone like Alexandre, who doesn't seem to appreciate experimental cinema and fiction, makes films that are so out there. They're very funny, but they're definitely on offbeat subjects. "Quirky" doesn't begin to do them justice. This one was shot at a Klingon language conference held in a Comfort Inn in Pennsylvania, so they had pretty limited settings to work with. Much of it was shot in extreme close up, focusing on the mouths of these people talking about their love of speaking Klingon. They also got interviews with the inventor of the Klingon language and with Michael Dorn, who played Warf in Star Trek.

The DVD kept wigging out on us. I felt bad for Alexandre because they had to stop twice and fix the player or switch the CD. After the film, I told him how much I enjoyed it. Joey, one of the producers , invited me to go out with them, but I decided not to. Strange: all day long I'd been feeling lonely, but when I got a chance to socialize, I didn't feel like it. I wanted to come home and blog instead. Maybe it's because I feel so ignorant around that group sometimes. They know so much about film, and I really don't. And also, I'd eaten such a lot of crap today--5 Chips Ahoy, Domino's sausage and pepperoni, and a chocolate brownie--that I couldn't stomach (literally) any more.


At 1:27 PM, Blogger ssas said...

signs you're becoming addicted to blogs:
1.posting every day (or almost every day)
2.using "blog" as a verb.
3.wanting to blog (oops, that verb usage is so telling) with your internet peeps instead of your face ones.

perhaps we should start a support group. online, of course.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Price of Silence said...

Bloggers Anonymous? Oh wait, I am anonymous. Shit.


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