Friday, May 27, 2005

East Coast talks

Last night was fun, even if Autumn Sonata was not a fun movie. It had Ingrid Bergman (Casablanca) in her next to last role and Liv Ullman as her daughter. The woman who played the other daughter was a phenomenal actress--she had to play a woman with some kind of degenerative disease, and the way she struggled to talk was simply amazing.

I honestly did NOT recognize Ingrid Bergman in this movie. Now I want to see Casablanca again.

Afterward, we talked to Ted and his wife, his father (I can see what Ted's going to look like when he's old--his father has a very nice face), his stepmother, who used to be a writer for the Today show, and a friend.

There's this myth in Hollywood (at least, I think it's a myth) that they have to make movies for 12 to 29 year old males because they're the audience. I don't buy it. I have no proof of it, but since women are in the majority and spend most of the money in this country, I think women and older people (especially now, with the population aging) really dwarf that young audience.

I think the REAL reason is that all these older, fat, balding executives are trying to relive their youth. And they use young men as the excuse.


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